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about me
about the blog

To see our oral submission to the health select comittee at the Beehive in Wellington, please follow this link here.  I am an ardent advocate for deregulation of medicinal marijuana in New Zealand and worldwide.  Locally, I look forward to working with the Hemp Foundation to develop a model for best practise in NZ.  If you would like to learn more about our daily life, explore alternative therapies for pain relief, mental wellbeing or other physical ailment I encourage you to follow us on Instagram, find me on Facebook, add me on Snapchat - wellfitmumnz


TV Presenter.  Editor.  Mother and overnight Influencer... except I don't accept payment for my posts and I'm not here for the likes.  I want to bring awareness to spectrum disorders and a disabling society by sharing our journey to wellness through a combination of a plant-based ketogenic diet, playful exercise and mindfulness.  Full disclosure, CBD oil saved my sons life.  I am here to connect mothers to create a safe and nurturing environment for their children in social media, where we build positive self-images and enjoy better health and harmony in a supported community.  I want to connect with women generally in the social or business space and harness our collective power to construct a new narrative for the female influencer.  We can be the change.


Motherhood continues to be the greatest adventure of my life, which is ironic because I've lived in some pretty wild places (Koh Samui, Thailand) and I've done some pretty wild things (relocated tarantulas) but nothing prepared me for the narly realities of a special needs infant. Challenging and deeply rewarding on a level of love and emotion I hadn't experienced before.  He continues to bring joy and wonder to my life in uniquely magical ways each day.


In and out of hospital continuously with Edward's first surgery in a Thai public hospital at 50 weeks, yet nothing prepared me for his epilepsy.  A few months after we arrived in New Zealand Eddy developed (or in retrospect probably always had latent, triggered by various environmental triggers and stressors) a generalised nocturnal tonic chlonic seizure disorder.  As soon as he fell asleep he would wake up in terror, then start having convulsions, overheating, unable to breathe. 


For a brief synopsis of how he arrived to this critical condition and why we refused medications to pursue medicinal marijuana CBD in combination with diet and lifestyle changes you can read my parliamentary submission to the health select committee here.  Please be aware there is some personal video content including footage of how Edward's mildest seizures affect him physically and emotionally.  



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